About Me

40ties, 3 children, full time work, little time.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Haven, I'm in haven.....

Tax Haven are good! This is the summary of a little piece of journalism in Economist. I do not accept its premise I don't support its conclusion. Is the idea of tax leakage a tool for slimming the governments down? Definately. Is it a good thing? Sometimes. Who benefits? Fat cats. Who pays for a short fall? Labour. Why? Because labour cannot change its address like any respectfull corporation can. Because government can lay its hands on the tax before little people like you and me even smell the money. Because we are sitting ducks. Because naither party will seriously let go of personal tax on labour and go after real money. So when is it good?. When even the politicians are outraged by the simplicity of accounting slight of hand and feel moved to do something. No, politicians are no longer outraged by greed. Not in anglosaxon countries. Being outraged by greed is virtually unheard of. It smells too much like communism, and as we know communism is dead and socialism is ....well dead as well. So why is tax haven a good idea? Well, as soon as I make my millions I will go to one of those havens myself. Wouldn't like to miss out or what.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Iranian Chalabi?

People's Mojahedin of Iran (Monafiqeen-e-Khalq, Mojahedin-e-Khalq) organization are as exotic as they make them.

Considered as a cult by some, as an terrorist organisation by the others, it is famous by its strict requirement that the women share the duties and responsibilities of the movement. Hence 50% of the "leader" grades are given to women - this is unparalleled in the (not only Muslim) world.
Another reason for fame was it's leader's insistence that all the followers decided, individually and without pressure to dissolve marriages they were in.

They make a dashing sight - disciplined and well trained, with women wearing the signature red scarfs on their heads - the epitome of gender equality in action.

The wife of (now believed departed) dear leader Rassoud Rajavi, Myriam Rajavi, is living in some style in Paris.

People's Mojahedin of Iran is fighting Teocratic Iran since 1979. Using the principle that enemy fo my enemy is my ally, they have bases is Iraq and sided with Saddam Hussein during Iran-Iraq war.

The sleekness of the new website from which Myriam Rajavi is presenting herself as a "President of Iran in exile" makes me wonder if by any chance she is not joisting for the position of head of state of "liberated" Iran when Americans invade their country.
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Attacking Iran

Ray Mcgovern predicted the attack on Iran - the timing slipped but hey, he no longer has an access to all the info from inner circle of CIA.
I am utterly frustrated at the spectacle of Bush's Administration playing the same propaganda moves that preceded Iraq and not being challenged by the pliant media. I read somewhere that one of the strategies that Israel admired the British Empire for was our ability to fracture and anger the "locals" and then sit and enjoy when they spent time, money, blood and life, fighting each other out.

What is happening in Iraq? Sunnies are angered and frightened by sudden removal of power from their hands. They are not even given enough power to protect themselves from vengeful Shia masses, have organises themselves into the militia force. They are using their military and police expertise to create enclaves that they control and feel safe in, and from those basis strike at American forces who brought their fall from position of privileged minority to persecuted, scattered minority without protection from the multiple enemies that they made for themselves when they ruled Iraq in the past. So we have Iraq fractured into the three areas (lets not forget Kurds). We have Saudi's making fantastic profits on their oil ( as Iraq is hardly producing any), military - industrial complex getting fat on Saudi profits that are spent on arms ( Saudis are very worried about Shia crescent), Lebanon and Palestine on the brink of civil war and Israel thanking God because he granted them virtually every wish they ever made.
To sum up:
Military Corporations are making the fattest profits for a quarter century.
Saudis are again rolling in it. Israel's potential enemies are fractured and engaged in internal strife.

Still to do:

Involve Iran and Iraq in another war, so that they quietly bleed and weaken.
Pressure is temporarily off Syria, but the chances that it will remain uninvolved in the Iraq-Iran fighting is slim.


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