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40ties, 3 children, full time work, little time.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Hypocricy, Samir Kuntar and Al-Jazeera

Finding hypocrisy in USA media is as easy as shooting rats in a barrel: Can really nail several specimen in one sitting (or is it shooting?)

Good example
from Judea Pearl in the Wall Street Journal.

What an utter, utter hypocrisy.
Is the author sure it is a mere concept of socializing with subject of the news that got his revulsion juices flowing, or was it the fact that the subject of the party thrown by staff of Al-Jazeera was a man, Samir Kuntar, that jewish propaganda build up to be some sort of monster, and Al-Jazeera staff safety judged to be, for most of his incarceration, a political prisoner?

Very few people in the real world believe the story of a child killed by a 17 year old, who instead of fleeting for his life stops and batters that child to death "waiting for her to stop moving her arms so as to get a really good aim at her head", thus ensuring his own capture. He never expressed the remorse, because he never admitted to this killing. It reeks of the story of Kuwaiti premature babies being cast out of the incubators by savages from Iraqi army in a drum beat preceeding the first Gulf war: utterly compelling to hear, and a propaganda lie from start to finish.

The image of Roman Coliseum is especially repugnant as an image used in this argument with a tragedy of siege of Gaza playing out to the audiences in Israel. I am looking for a spike in scientific papers on Hobbes published in Israeli Universities in the incoming years.

The ongoing clashes with Al-Jazeera are not confined to Israel and Israeli-firsters in the USA media: Morocco got really shirty with them as well recently, not to mention those luminaries of democracy like UK, USA, Saudi Arabia, to name the few.

Al-Jazeera does not select it's stories according to agreed parameters of this or that dictator or media mogul's cartel. This is another reason for the venom. Of course, the carefully build picture of Israel as a "moral" beacon to the nations is crumbling anyway. Reuter's cameraman recently learned a lesson of sullying Israel's image.

Please continue your splutters of indignation - or reset your moral compass. You could do worse than start following independent media.

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