About Me

40ties, 3 children, full time work, little time.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Israel extrajudiciary killing in Palestine Occupied Territories

Twenty first century. 2000 years of Jesus Christ teachings. We, the superior western civilisations are meant to be the peak of human evolution tree. We are supposed to be powerfull, and able to insist that our lofty ideals of human rights and individual freedoms and compationate capitalism and equality and and rule of law and democracy without trampling on minorities etc, etc, etc...
And then I'm surfing the internet and find that the powerful and influential are exempt from the rules. Why we subject the young soldiers with inadequaty personalities who commit war crimes to the full wrah of the law, but sit on our hands and ignore totally a much more cold blooded, pre-meditated and executed without flicker of the remorse murders occuring under our noses in Middle East?

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